Friday, December 29, 2006

Last Night...

Jerry and I were looking cool as ever...
but Sean had a hard time keeping up...

just kidding...(continuing joke)

No, we had a blast...doing some talking. I had a lot of fun. It's too bad we can't do it more often...

Thursday, December 21, 2006

What matters to me?

As the holiday gets closer and closer I am forced to think about what matter most to me...well, I guess I am not forced but I must admit that I do think about it...the answer is always the same, as cliched as it sounds, "family and friends." Honestly, I always cared about my family but I never thought about it, you know? I just cared...bottom line. Why would I need to think about it. However, I remember when I moved to Seattle and it was literally the second I crossed the border into WA state that I found out that my father had a stroke. I started crying instantly...I couldn't help it. I mean I have always beeen a sensative man but I wasn't ready for that kind of news. When I have feelings for someone, whether it be friends or family they (the feelings) are very strong...the people that are in my life mean the world to me. However, it was that incident that brought a lot things into my mind. It made a lot of things clear...
a) I don't love my family because I have to. I love them for who they are.
b) I am thankful that they are in my life.

Now onto friends...I honestly believe that I have some superfriends...we are like a team. Jerry-Superman (he has to be)
I would be Batman (because I am so dark, mysterious and brooding)
Sean-Aqauman (because sean has a hook for a hand)
Liz-Wonderwoman because she is tall and sexy.

And then I have all my other friends that are cool too but they don't read my blog so why bother mentioning them, you know?

In other news:

I volunteered a little time this week to help out with a good cause. It was Spare Change (proceeds help the homeless) and I did it to help my friend that was doing it but after I did it and I thought about it, I felt great. I think I would like to volunteer more time to great causes. It's a nice way to spend your time instead of watching the boob tube or whatever...I don't know, that's just my opinion.

In other other news:

I am almost done Christmas shopping! I just have to buy a 50 dollar grab gift and I have to go shopping for my lady friend. I know most of what I am going to get her so it should't be too hard!


I have some friends coming home from other states and I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THEM!!!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

who would win?

Monday, December 18, 2006

Live Free or Die Hard

When I heard they were making a sequel to Die Hard I got excited. I enjoy all three Die Hard movies. The first one, in my opinion, is one of the greatest action movies ever made! The two sequels are fun, they keep true to the character and they have some great action in them! However, when I saw the preview for Die Hard 4 I got scared. John McClane seemed like a different character…he didn’t seem like the misunderstood, sarcastic, alcoholic that he usually is. You know? He is usually...quirky and funny.
"Come on out to the coast, we'll get together, have a few laughs."
"Now I know what a TV dinner feels like."
Instead, he seemed more hardboiled and tough. This scares me…but the preview only showed one clip with him talking so I could be wrong. Also I felt that the preview almost looks like a generic action movie…it looks very...Jerry Bruckheimerish, does that make sense? I really hope that its not that kind of action movie because that is not what the Die Hard movies are all about. I am still excited to see it and I still will see it. I just hope they don’t ruin it. What other sequels am I excited about?

Rocky Balboa
Spiderman 3
Indiana Jones 4

Friday, December 15, 2006

Learn how to ice skate...

This just sickens me...look at these fools, smiling when they fall down. STOP BEING SO STUPID!!!!!!!!!!! FIRST OF ALL, WHY ARE YOU SKATING WITH BRICKS ON YOUR FEET? IDIOTS!!!!!!!! I CAN'T HANDLE THIS!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Superman Rules

I loved those commercials with Jerry Seinfeld and Superman, they were great!!!
and I have no idea why this guy wasn't cast as Superman in Superman Returns...HE'S AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Cool...or should I say, "HOT..." OUCH!!!!!!!!