Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I must be a moron...

I just saw Grindhouse and...I LOVED IT!!! I thought the movie was a whole lot of fun! I had no problems with the film. This is how I would break it down...

my favorite actor in the movie was Kurt Russel in Death Proof
my favorite actress was Rose McGowen in Planet Terror
my two favorite death scenes were in Death Proof
my favorite trailers were Don't and Thanksgiving
The most intense part of either movie was in Death Proof

I had no problem with Quentin's dialog. I can understand why some people wouldn't have enjoyed it...but I liked it a whole hell of a lot...

but then again, I also like the scream movies...so what do I know?


Blogger The Lost Son said...

Don saw the movie over the weekend and he loved it too. He said thate 'Proof was by far the better of the two (as did most critics)...

However it is a flavor thing. I still want to see the movie and maybe over the weekend I'll go. We know Sean didn't like it and thats fine...I kind of get how his mind works because I am often that way.

Here's an ex. last year a movie came out that everyone just wouldn't stop talking about. People, B.O. and critics alike loved this movie.

I just never got around to seeing it...FINALY I rented it and I just didn't get it. Well that's a lie I did 'GET IT'

I laughed at one scene and it involved a chicken...other than that I think I missed the big joke. I just did think it was funny.

O well Grindhouse wasn't for everyone and neither was BORAT.

10:18 AM  
Blogger Luvcroft said...

You thought Death Proof was "intense".


You are a moron.

But "Don't" and "Thanksgiving" were great.

"Favorite Death Scenes"??

Uhhh, I won't get into that one.

11:36 AM  
Blogger Tony said...

Intense? Absolutely. When...


When the girl was strapped to the hood of the car, my stomach was tied up in knots...I found that scene to be very intense. (you probably just didn't realize since that's how regular life makes you feel!)

12:51 PM  
Blogger Luvcroft said...

Ok now who's insulting who?

I liked that girl on the hood.

I would have liked to seen more than just TWO scenes with Russel's character.

The TWENTY minutes leading up to that scene could have been done in 5-6 minutes.

But way to be opinionated and irrational there Tony.

Thanks for the insult.

2:20 PM  
Blogger Tony said...

Sean, what the fuck are you talking about?

"Ok now who's insulting who?"

Where did this come from? What the hell does that mean? I never thought you were insulting me and I never tried to insult you? And if you are even referring to "(you probably just didn't realize since that's how regular life makes you feel!)" I thought you would have realized that it was a joke...if that insulted you, then I am sorry...if that's not what you are talking about, then I am in the dark.
"But way to be opinionated and irrational there Tony."

There is that opinionated and irrational thing again...
What the fuck is your damage man, seriously?

What the hell are you talking about? I NEVER SAID YOU WERE THOSE THINGS...

Fuck man...

Secondly, if your blog is just going to get you this upset...
no offense but I feel like you are always fighting with people and getting upset with everyone that you talk with on the blogs...if it can cause you this much pain and anger, then you might not want to do it. Maybe just write in a journal or something...but I feel like every other week you get into some fight with someone. These things are supposed to be fun...
Jesus Christ...

2:37 PM  
Blogger Luvcroft said...

What? You aren't having fun?

You need to relax man.

I know its all in jest.


2:56 PM  
Blogger Tony said...

NOW GET OVER HERE SO WE CAN HAVE MAKE UP SEX. I mean...anal sex...I mean...butt love...I mean...soup.

3:04 PM  
Blogger Luvcroft said...

How about some cheeseburgers??

3:38 PM  
Blogger Tony said...

No, I hate cheeseburgers. I only pretended to like cheeseburgers in the beginning of our friendship because I wanted you to like me.

3:53 PM  
Blogger Luvcroft said...


4:35 PM  

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