Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My thoughts...

Same old drivel? Some would say.
However, I disagree. Yeah, it's the same old characters...but to me, it doesn't matter. These movies are fun...they're great. When I saw these movies, I had a great time. Depending on the movie, I was either laughing or smiling...or sitting on the edge of my seat with anticipation. I thought that all three of these movies were well done. I thought they were beautiful to look at, exciting and fun. When I watched Batman Begins, it wasn't like I was watching a rehashing of the same old character. Christopher Nolan brought so much new stuff to the movie version of this character. I thought it was great. I am so excited for the sequel! I thought Superman Returns was magnificent. Yeah, the whole fighting an island thing was kind of silly but I must admit that I loved the movie. TMNT...one word: "Brilliant." Now I love comic book movies. Well, I love all movies. I don't read Marvel or DC...I am not biased in anyway...however, when I saw the previews for all 3 of these movies, I got excited...and I knew that I had to see them. I felt the same way when I saw previews for the Hulk, Spiderman, and even X-Men 2.
I thought that these movies were successes...both in the box office and entertaining me. I think that the whole Spiderman franchise is terrific. I am also excited about the new Hulk movie. I am not overly happy with the X-Men series though. I was disappointed in the first one (just my opinion), LOVED the second one. VERY VERY disappointed with the third one. However, at the height of the comic book movies...both Marvel and DC decided...oh man...now we can capitalize on this. So out comes Catwoman. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! What? Way to ruin a good thing. Then Marvel comes out with Daredevil, Electra, Punisher, Ghost Rider. Yeah, they are making movies of their characters that aren' t there powerhouses but they are bad. I would love to see movies on these characters if they were good movies. I saw Punisher, hated it. I saw Daredevil, I didn't like it. I never saw Electra...but I could tell that it wouldn't be good. I saw previews for Ghost Rider...and I thought it looked terrible. The special effects were cheesy and the one liners sounded awful. How do you feel? I feel like my skull is on fire. What? SHUT IT!
In short, I am all for making comic book movies. I enjoy them...for the most part. I am loved
the first crow movie. I like the fantastic 4 movie (and am excited about the sequel)! I loved Hellboy and am excited for that sequel too. However, if Marvel wants to make movies of all their characters, I am all for it but please, MAKE THEM GOOD! I do not want to see any more movies that are thrown together so quickly like, X-Men 3. Or movies that are just poorly executed like the Punisher or Daredevil. I think all three of those movies could have been AWESOME!! But I must admit that for the most part, I thought that they were AWFUL! So that's it, that's my two cents. DC, keep making the movies you make, I enjoy them. (Even if it is the same old drivel to some people.) Marvel...keep making movies...but learn from your mistakes. You've made some AWESOME MOVIES and some AWFUL ones...keep making the awesome ones...that is all.


Blogger Luvcroft said...

That's great.

I would comment further but I might come off as an "asshole" so I won't.

9:55 AM  
Blogger The Lost Son said...

I have not read enough history of Marvel or DC and their characters nor do I know why Dracula was written to have a true perspentive on such things nor am I capeable of having any strong arguments on such matters because of the following...

But I thought TMNT was the best comic book movie to come out since The Incredible

10:25 AM  
Blogger Tony said...

luvcroft...that might be the lamest comment that i have ever read.
Have I ever called you or thought of you as an "asshole," when commenting on my blog?
I feel like your comment...is aimed more towards The Lost Son...but this is not his blog...you should have commented on my entry. I put that entry up to get your opinions on my thoughts...not to get some "Oh, feel sorry for me" comment. Do we understand each other? I hope so.

Now, continue...

11:55 AM  
Blogger Luvcroft said...

Ok then...

First off, I haven't seen TMNT so I can't really say one thing or the other. Though I stand by that I think they should all have red masks. I think kids are smart enough to tell the difference. Not to mention they look cooler that way. Oh and I like the "no eyes" too.

As for the rest your blog entry....

I like the comics medium. Not just certain titles. I like the whole kitten kaboodle. That being said, I can pretty much find positive things about MOST comic book movies that are made. I love seeing the "adapting" process. I like seeing what is changed and what isn't. Though if they change too much to the point that the character is completely different then its not a good thing.

So I have pretty much liked all the comic movies I have seen. Even Electra had some fun moments to it. Its a better B-actioner than a comic book movie. But they did have some cool villains from the comics show up. Oh and it had Terrence Stamp who is great in just about anything.

As for Daredevil and the Punisher....

Daredevil is far from a perfect movie. But it isn't BAD. Its fun to watch and visually stunning. Affleck actually LOOKED menacing in that outfit. Something you don't get from Bale's out fit in Batman Begins.

The Punisher was awesome. I don't get why you guys hated it. It captured the character perfectly and displayed the bizarre world he is tossed into when he decides to wage his war against crime. Thomas Jane was perfect (though he could have combed his hair back). The only problem I had was that it took place in Florida. But that's about it. There were some other "hollywood" things that were a bit annoying but not enough to mention.

The thing is that I am glad that Marvel is putting out more movies. It gets characters to people who don't read comics. Ghost Rider looked fine to me...still need to see it. But its a flippin 70's exploitation character. Now he's up on the screen kicking ass. That's cool.

I WANT to see more DC characters on the screen. I would love to see how Dr Fate would look in 3 dimensions and moving. I would love to see how Green Lantern would look up on the screen.

Sure the WB has had MAJOR success with TMNT and 300, but why not other DC super heroes?

None of us knows the reasons but I guess it has something to do with the money. Marvel's "soulessness" may be just that but it is still getting their lesser known characters out there. Which in turn brings in revenue to do more.

I want DC to follow suit and I want Dark Horse to as well. Hell I can't wait for IDW's stuff (30 Days of Night, The Lurkers, and Cal MacDonald).

When comic book movies come out it gets me to seek out the comic and read it so I have a history of the character being showcased. I enjoy researching this stuff.

Recently I have begun to lose my interest in Batman, Superman, and Spiderman-like things. I am not as UBER pumped about SPidey 3 as I once was. I am not as excited about Batman Begins 2 nor Superman Returns 2. I am not excited about FF2 nor Hulk 2 for that matter.

I am excited about the Doc Savage and Shadow films that are being planned. I am excited about the possiblity of a new Phantom movie. I am UBER excited about The Spirit and Sin City 2.

I will go and see (or these days rent) all of the above, but right now I am not that excited as I once was.

Maybe I'm just getting old.

12:14 PM  
Blogger Tony said...


1:21 PM  
Blogger Luvcroft said...


I TOLD you!

2:22 PM  
Blogger The Lost Son said...

BUT....if you look at 300 and TMNT (i know you haven't seen it) and you can see how good they were and these are not the greats, doesn't it bother you on how bad some of other movies were.....

300 was a nothing movie, a 67million dollar picture that the WB said they'd be happy if the only got there money back, then with word of month for how good it was it made over 200million....

Ghostrider was a 110 million dollar movie that was nothing but cheese and bad effects. WHen I see something like 300 I want to grab the people who made Catwoman and Punisher and shake them and yell 'SEE SEE that is how its done.'

3:05 PM  
Blogger Luvcroft said...

THE PUNSIHER WAS FINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well you can thank Sin City for 300.

Perhaps you should be shaking DC and demanding why they aren't doing more films....

3:59 PM  
Blogger Tony said...

The Punisher WAS fine...if by fine you mean terrible. Is that what you meant?

4:22 PM  
Blogger Luvcroft said...

No fine as in FINE it was a fine movie.

I own it and I plan on getting the director's cut.

Nothing wrong with the Punisher.

Looking forward to the SEQUEL as well.

10:49 AM  
Blogger Tony said...

"No fine as in FINE it was a fine movie.

I own it and I plan on getting the director's cut.

Nothing wrong with the Punisher.

Looking forward to the SEQUEL as well."

The Punisher is a bad movie, it's a fact! Anybody that likes that movie is stupid...

11:08 AM  
Blogger Luvcroft said...


Not a smart thing to write to the guy who draws your funny books.

3:01 PM  
Blogger Tony said...

hahaaha. Speaking of which, how are the thumbnails going?

4:27 PM  
Blogger Luvcroft said...

When is my CHECK coming?

5:16 PM  
Blogger Tony said...

once we make it big...can't make it big till they are drawn though...

8:34 AM  
Blogger Luvcroft said...

Oh sure....that's what they ALL SAY!

10:36 AM  

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