Monday, December 18, 2006

Live Free or Die Hard

When I heard they were making a sequel to Die Hard I got excited. I enjoy all three Die Hard movies. The first one, in my opinion, is one of the greatest action movies ever made! The two sequels are fun, they keep true to the character and they have some great action in them! However, when I saw the preview for Die Hard 4 I got scared. John McClane seemed like a different character…he didn’t seem like the misunderstood, sarcastic, alcoholic that he usually is. You know? He is usually...quirky and funny.
"Come on out to the coast, we'll get together, have a few laughs."
"Now I know what a TV dinner feels like."
Instead, he seemed more hardboiled and tough. This scares me…but the preview only showed one clip with him talking so I could be wrong. Also I felt that the preview almost looks like a generic action movie…it looks very...Jerry Bruckheimerish, does that make sense? I really hope that its not that kind of action movie because that is not what the Die Hard movies are all about. I am still excited to see it and I still will see it. I just hope they don’t ruin it. What other sequels am I excited about?

Rocky Balboa
Spiderman 3
Indiana Jones 4


Blogger The Lost Son said...

I agree...I wasn't sure if Bruce could pull off The Tough Guy roll either but seeing the trailer he can still do actions movies for sure. But yes I agree it looks like an awesome action movie but looks more like an imitation Die Hard movie...mainly because of the 'funny side kick'. WHY DOES Hollywood do that.

BUT it has been what 10 years since DH3 maybe it is time to reinvent the franchise and I am sure Bruce had a lot more control of his character than the writers did so we'll see.

I am looking forward to
Rocky 6

11:26 AM  
Blogger Tony said...

Transformers is not a sequel...unless it's a sequel to the Transformers: The movie...that would be awesome...but I don't think it is. Actually, I know that it is not...sad

11:30 AM  
Blogger The Lost Son said...

well its a franchise picture so I thought it would count...don't be mad at me. I cry...often.

11:40 AM  
Blogger Tony said...

haha...oh man!!! Sorry buddy, you're're right. IT COUNTS!!!!!

12:14 PM  
Blogger Luvcroft said...

Here's my take....

What about Jon McClain in the first three movies wasnt' hardboiled or tough??


Like Mar-el said, it has been ten years and a lot can happen to man in that time. Especially a character like McClain. He is older, wiser, and weathered.

Remember Lethal Weapon 4? Riggs cut his hair and it was big deal. The film was about how age was taking its toll on the two cops and people still wanted him to sport the same hairdo! The thing is, when you have a character that is shone during different time periods of his life, he should change as time chages us all.

I also don't know what you two go on about when you refer to "generic action flick". Perhaps its not the "flicks" that have changed, perhaps its the two of you?

I mean, X3 got tagged with "GAF" and after watching it again the other day, its anything but.

I mean, Yes Die Hard is one of the greatest action flicks of all time. But I think part 3 is just as awesome if not more.

A "Generic Action Flick" is something like, the China Obrien series, or Fair Game, or Snake Eater. Anything starring Lorenzo Lamis, Jeff Speakman, or Michael Pare is a "GAF".

I think Die Hard 4 looks great!

I also can't wait for

SP3 and Indy 4 (if that ever gets made).

But that's just my two cents...or maybe 4.

12:42 PM  
Blogger The Lost Son said...

It becomes "generic action flick". When they take the star of the film and give him a funny buddy to co star...I hope in Rambo 4 they don't get Will Ferral to hang with him.

But I am still looking forward to it. I begining to think action movies are on a bit of a come back.

The new James Bond movie was awesome and it made good bank so it would nice to see the return of action heroes. If Rocky does well and if Rambo does well I hope its the leap pad into creating new actions heroes.....

2:53 PM  
Blogger Tony said...

"I hope in Rambo 4 they don't get Will Ferral to hang with him."

That made me laugh...nice!!!

3:03 PM  
Blogger Luvcroft said...

I'm actually looking forward to both Rocky Balboa and Rambo 4. As well as Die Hard 4.

Strange how all the older Action Stars are coming back and the newer ones just don't seem to be catching on like they used to.

I mean, Vin Diesal isn't near what Stallone or Willis was.

4:12 PM  
Blogger Tony said...

Well, Vin is nowhere close to being as cool as Willis...the only one, in my opinion that could be great is the Rock...I feel like he could be an action star...but he wants to go and make dramas...I guess it's a good call because that way he won't get type cast!

4:55 PM  
Blogger The Lost Son said...

I like that Jason guy who's in those Transporter movies....

I only like on of the Rocks movies and never like any of Vins. Never like Jet Li...For good actions we turn to Comic book movies. Marv was great in Sin City but he's a bad guy...Tobe is also great in Spiderman but not sure if the skinny white boy thing would work out side of the Tights...mmmm who else Wolernine is by far the best example but Huge is no good outside of the x franchise...Tom and Brandon are too pretty...

Maybe there are just not any more male action heroes left.

7:43 PM  
Blogger Tony said...

I am not a huge fan of the Rock's movies but he has the build and he is a better actor than I think we the right script he would be a great choice, you know?

9:13 AM  

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