Monday, April 16, 2007


Here is an article from

I honestly thought that this was a belated April Fool's joke when it arrived in my inbox, but holy shit, Batman...Edward Norton will be starring as the Hulk in the next HULK movie directed by Louis Leterrier, the stylish director of the TRANSPORTER flicks, as well as the underrated UNLEASHED (aka DANNY THE DOG). The film, titled THE INCREDIBLE HULK, will start shooting this summer in Toronto, Canada (we're Canadian, us, help you!) with a release date for June 13, 2008. My favorite Marvel character has always been the HULK, and I guess I'm one of the few people in the world who actually enjoyed Ang Lee's version as well (although I usually stop the DVD right before the final 10 minutes, when Nolte kinda ruins it).
The sequel, which is said to be "less serious and more in line with the comic series and TV show" (Hulk smash!!) seems an odd choice for Norton, but I for one, am all for it! He's one of the best actors of his generation and I hope that his addition to the film helps catapult it to an even greater level. I think we all remember how awesome Norton was as a badass in AMERICAN HISTORY X, right? C'mon Leterrier, make the HULK smash someone's face into a sidewalk with his foot, homage. Sorry folks, just getting a little excited here.

Tony's thoughts.
Ed Norton is a great actor so I am excited. However, I still think that David Duchovny is the best choice...but as we can see, that is not going to happen so I am glad that they got somebody like Ed Norton...who is a great actor. I don't know though, to me, he just doesn't look like a Bruce Banner...but I bet he will be better than Eric Bana...and I am not saying that Eric Bana was bad because I like HULK, I own the DVD...there are a few points where the film falters but overall, I found it overly enjoyable. So I say, BRING IT ON!!!! NORTON SMASH ERIC BANA!
I know I am going to get crap for saying that he doesn't look like Bruce Banner...actually, once I found this picture of him on the Internet I thought, "Actually, you know what? I do buy it." I would want him to look like this picture as Bruce...I don't want him to look like a tough guy like he was in American History X...however, I trust Edward Norton, I would say he is in the top ten actors of his generation...So...I take back what I said. I think Edward Norton is the perfect choice and I think this new Hulk movie is going to be unbelievable! WOO HOO!!!!


Blogger The Lost Son said...

I am a little weirded out that they got Eddie...

I love him and he'll do a great job but its strange that they went from Eric to Ed...

That is like going from Weezer to The Beatles....

BUT that said that's awesome casting and can't wait to hear Eddie say...'you won't like me when I am angry'


12:12 PM  
Blogger Luvcroft said...

Well, when I think about it...I think Edward Norton is the perfect choice...(though I would have liked to see David Duchovny too).

Norton has played REALLY nasty chracters and REALLY nice characters. He was fantastic in Primal Fear (a character that had a split personality) and he was amazing in American History X, not to mention that I thought he was a great "nice but tough" character in Red Dragon.

I think there is a method to their madness. Does he "LOOK" like Bruce Banner....I don't really think that matters. The only actor that acually LOOKS his part is Brandon Routh. Neither Christian Bale, Ben Affleck, Tobey Macguire, Keanu Reeves, Jennifer Garner, or Hugh Jackman look totally like their comic counter parts.

So I am very glad with Norton as a choice. Though I think the other rumor of Adrian Brody would have been cool too.


I'm excited.


12:35 PM  
Blogger Tony said...

Luvcroft...for once, you made sense. Good call!

12:39 PM  
Blogger Luvcroft said...

"For once"??

What are you talking about!?

I make sense ALL THE TIME!!!

The sooner you realize that, the sooner your life will get better!

2:30 PM  
Blogger Tony said...


Well put my friend, 250 points!

2:47 PM  

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