Thursday, March 09, 2006

nothing to say

. . . what? I told you I had nothing to say.

Monday, March 06, 2006

This is pretty neat, check this out

Friday, March 03, 2006

Can I preach for a min . . .

hello all my fellow bloggers. So I am sitting here eating my lunch and I got to thinking . . . life is short. I know, cliche right? True, but that doesn't change that fact that it is. I was also thinking that i make a lot of jokes and I am always joking around and goofing off. However, it also turns out that I am one of the most sensitive people that I know but I try not to think about it or anything. You know why? Because life IS too short. I know some people are obsessed with politics and world views and such and I am interested in this subject matter too . . . I mean you have to be because it is a part of our culture but I feel that some people in this world from all walks of life whether it be liberals, the media, even conseritives, get themselves sick over what they feel. This is what I don't get. I love this country. I love everything that it stands for. I don't agree with everything that Bush has done . . . I also don't agree with everything that Clinton did. However, my life kept going. It will keep going no matter what. I am going to spend my life doing what ever I can to be happy. That's all I can do. Music, movies, writing . . . those are my hobbies that keep me sane. Girlfriend, friends, family, these are the people in my life that matter the most and keep me going from day to day. I don't know what I'm saying or why. I am just going off the top of my head. I will see you soon and I love you all!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Nasa Head . . .

I said a bawhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?????? This is some sort of android head and it freaks me the hell out!!!! hahahaha.

Ok, so tonight I am going to some people's house that made a short film. I was in it . . . I was more a less an extra because by the time I found out about it, the film was already cast but I wanted to help out and I thought it would be a good way to have some fun. I had no lines, but it was fun and it was educational so it was definetly worth it. Not to mention that fact that doing it was inspiring as all hell. I have a couple of stories . . . 1 in particular that I have written into a short script that I would love to make into a short film . . . for all of you that know my stories it is the one with Mac. I was thinking that when I get back to Boston I will try to find some folks that would like to help out with making it. I know this really good artist (you know who you are) and I was hoping I could get him to draw up some story boards. Not for the whole thing but for a couple of major scenes. I do want to do a rewrite of this story but I think I could make it work. Then I could probably get a couple of friends (and including myself) to score it so that would be awesome. So the idea is written, I have faith that I could get a score together now all I would need is to find someone with the know how and someone that has the proper equipment to film it and I'd be good to go. Oh yeah and I would need a pretty damn good make up artist for one scene at the end. This is something that I would really like to get off the ground. One of the problems is when I get back I am going to have a pretty full schedule. Starting up a business with a couple of buddies, writing, putting books together, printing out the books to sell, working another job (or 2) having time for my friends and lets not forget the most important thing time with my baby. (by my baby I mean I girlfriend, I do not have a child yet). However, where there is a will there is a way . . . right? RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh well I am off to go watch this 15 or 20 min movie. I hope that its good because then I will be motivated even more and I can ask them how they did it and what they think the best course of action for me would be. Ok, I am off for real. Goodluck and godspeed.


now, lets be honest . . . this would be one of the finest teams ever assembled. You got Super Grover in charge, the detective work of Super Force, Murtaugh's gun, The Greatest American Hero can fly (sort of) so he can get anywhere pretty fast, Kathy Bate's keen eye, plus He-Man's Strength, and finally you got Mario who can pull up the rear and unclog all of He-Man's massive craps cause lets face it, he's not just the prince of Eternia he also the KING of POOP!!!!!!! What do you think?

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Check it out

The Adventure Continues

The adventure will continue in about 10 days. Let the countdown begin. OH MAN!!! Looking at the map is scary. Driving all the way from WA to MA . . . that is a long distance and its in the winter time . . . could run into snow storms . . . ice storms. Could slide on black ice . . . no sir, I don't like it. The adventure started in MA I drove from MA to NV and then from there I drove up to WA and know I must drive back across the country to MA. It sounds like it is going to be a ton of fun!!!