Friday, March 03, 2006

Can I preach for a min . . .

hello all my fellow bloggers. So I am sitting here eating my lunch and I got to thinking . . . life is short. I know, cliche right? True, but that doesn't change that fact that it is. I was also thinking that i make a lot of jokes and I am always joking around and goofing off. However, it also turns out that I am one of the most sensitive people that I know but I try not to think about it or anything. You know why? Because life IS too short. I know some people are obsessed with politics and world views and such and I am interested in this subject matter too . . . I mean you have to be because it is a part of our culture but I feel that some people in this world from all walks of life whether it be liberals, the media, even conseritives, get themselves sick over what they feel. This is what I don't get. I love this country. I love everything that it stands for. I don't agree with everything that Bush has done . . . I also don't agree with everything that Clinton did. However, my life kept going. It will keep going no matter what. I am going to spend my life doing what ever I can to be happy. That's all I can do. Music, movies, writing . . . those are my hobbies that keep me sane. Girlfriend, friends, family, these are the people in my life that matter the most and keep me going from day to day. I don't know what I'm saying or why. I am just going off the top of my head. I will see you soon and I love you all!


Blogger Tony said...

alright . . . I will try. Thanks sir.

11:05 AM  

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