Friday, February 24, 2006

Its funny

sometimes I think about the past and its funny . . . I use to be obsessed with Jim Morrison . . . don't get me wrong, he still fascintates me and I still love his music but it's funny to think how much I idolized him. The greatest part is that I don't fit into the stereotype of "The DOORS" fan base. I actually liked him for his music. Most people who are fascinated by this man are pot smoking and drunk idiots and if you know me, I am very very very far away from being anything like that. I would like to take this opportunity to say that I have never done any drug in my life . . . except for caffine and alcohol (occasionaly). I like his voice his words and the music. It's just funny to think that his music found me because I wasn't the stereo type of the listeners. Ok, I gotta get back to work!


Blogger Tony said...

thanks buddy.

2:12 PM  

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