Tuesday, February 28, 2006

return of the jedi

Here is the original ending to Return of the Jedi. Here is what Anakin would have looked like as an old man. Boy, he sure is a happy dead guy. Well I suppose thats because Luke turned him away from the dark side. Plus he is hanging out with his best buddies Yoda and Ben. You know, it actaully doesn't make a whole lot of sense when you think about. I don't think I ever truly saw him getting along with Ben or Yoda in Episodes 1-3. The way they are portrayed, I wouldn't say they were friendly at all but they are from a different galaxy so maybe their idea of friendship is different than mine. You would never hear me say to Liz, (in a whiney voice) "Jerry's holding me back!!!!" Which is what Anakin says about Ben. However, back to the photo. When you look at Anakin here it looks like he is thinking, "oh thank god Luke found me and saved me." I think that's pretty nice.
However when you look at the new ending it completely changes Anakin. Now he is a young boy with a weird smirk on his face. So now it looks like he is thinking one of two things. Well first off he cleary not thinking oh thank god luke found and saved me. It's actually more of a menacing smirk as if he's thinking, "MMM MMM MMM my son has a sweet ass. I woulnd't mind gnawing on that thing for awhile." OR . . . or he's thinking, "Luke is so dumb, he fell for the oldest trick in the book because now that I am a ghost I am even more powerful than anyone could imagine." Which I suppose would make sense since after a new hope Obi-wan got stronger once he was killed so maybe that was Vaders plan. To die and take over the galaxy as a ghost. What do you think? Let me know.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Coming Soon . . .

Friday, February 24, 2006

Its funny

sometimes I think about the past and its funny . . . I use to be obsessed with Jim Morrison . . . don't get me wrong, he still fascintates me and I still love his music but it's funny to think how much I idolized him. The greatest part is that I don't fit into the stereotype of "The DOORS" fan base. I actually liked him for his music. Most people who are fascinated by this man are pot smoking and drunk idiots and if you know me, I am very very very far away from being anything like that. I would like to take this opportunity to say that I have never done any drug in my life . . . except for caffine and alcohol (occasionaly). I like his voice his words and the music. It's just funny to think that his music found me because I wasn't the stereo type of the listeners. Ok, I gotta get back to work!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

A fight to the death

I want you to meet to friends of mine, Clark Squirrel and Panda Modium. Although they are both my friends, they are not friends with each other. I don’t have a problem with this per say but now they are going to fight and I believe that it is to the death. So today at 5pm I will lose a friend. I am not sure what to do about this, but it has to be done. Who do you think will win? Who will lose? Who will live? Who will die? This is truly a sad day for me because I don’t want any of my friends to die but they really hate each other and there is nothing that I can do to stop it. Or is there? Anyone with any advice or wants to place a bet, let me know.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day

Superman says, "Have a happy Valentine's Day, or I'll punch you in the face!!!!" I know what you're thinking, and I agree . . . but from what I hear Superman has a bad temper so don't piss him off. He could bite your head off man.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Alf and Gonzo

Alf was a funny guy. A misunderstood alien. He's great. He has a big heart and a big stomache. HAAAAAAA!!!Now if Gonzo can't make people happy, no one can. I was just thinking about the muppets . . . and man do I miss them. They have great senses of humor. They could always make me laugh . . . NO MATTER WHAT.

I like to laugh and these two guys have never had any problems doing it. Making me laugh you pervs . . . get your mind out of the gutters!!!!

Friday, February 10, 2006

Things People need to see

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Once I fell
out of my shell
while ringing a bell

Don't you dare judge me or I will not be happy!!!!!

Have fun with that on your conscience!