Saturday, December 31, 2005

its the most wonderful time of the year

What is?

What is what?

What is the most wonderful time of the year?

Well, I suppose it would have to be Christmas?

Why would you suppose that?

I don't know, isn't that what the songs says?

Yeah, but by that rational, only people who celebrate Christmas can enjoy the most wonderful time of the year.


SOOOOOOO? That isn't right. It's not fair to exclude people from the most wonderful time of the year because they don't celebrate Christmas.

It's only a song.

Yeah, but who are you to prejudice against anyone?

Well, I would have to say that I am nobody and that everybody needs to relax.

Need to relax . . . oh my god . . . so I suppose you think that its alright for schools to say the pledge of allegiance in class even though it mentions god.

You mentioned god.


SOOOOOOOOOO? Listen, I think my point is . . . if I even have one, is that anything can be picked apart. There is not one thing that we can do that won't exclude or prejudice someone. We all need to live our lives the way that we want to and hope not to offend but I will not change the way I live or the way I think to appease everyone . . . noone is the same not everyone will ever be the same and I would hate to live in a world where everyone would be the same. I think that we just need to live. If someone wants to worship or praise Allah in front of me, I would never try to stop it. In fact even though I do not believe in Allah, I would embrace it. I might even talk to the gentleman or lady praying when they are done so that I can in turn learn about what they believe. I would not shut it out and say, "You can't praise Allah in front of me, because I don't believe in that sort of thing." I mean that's an ignorant way of thinking.

So what are you saying? That people should say the pledge of allegiance before school starts?

No, stop reading into what I say. I think that its kind of like horror movies or video games. I grew up watching Freddy and Jason and Mr. Myers killing people, in fact killing people pretty brutally. Yet, I have never wanted to kill anyone.


I don't know, I am just rambling.

Well is there anything else you would like to add?

Yeah, stop finding reasons to hate something and/or everything because there are plenty of reasons to love!

Monday, December 19, 2005

Big monkeys make me smile

KOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG!! I just saw this movie and I must say that I thouroughly enjoyed. There were a few moments that I thought the special effects were lacking. I thought all of the stuff with Kong was great . . . but there were a few scenes with the ship that should have been redone because the ship looked computer generated, which it was and the other major scene that bothered me was *spoilers* was when the people were running away from the dinosaurs and the dinosaurs were on top of them and they were running underneath them . . . that looked plain awful!!!! I mean for me, if you spend 200 million dollars to make a movie then stuff like that shouldn't look bad . . . but alas, I digress. I thought the movie was really really good. Great even . . . I thought Jack Black was marvolous, I think that he proved he can do drama very wel. Actually, he has done other great dramas like dead man walking but I really liked him in this. l also thought Naomi Watts was magnificiant and lets not forget Andy Serkis, who is always brilliant and he did not disappoint as the wonderful Kong and the cook, Lumpy.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Welcome to the party pal

This is a still from the 15 minute short film I helped out with. Oh man, I look pretty beat up!

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Who would win in a fight . . . Super Jerry or a big truck

Thursday, December 08, 2005

I'm Robin and She's Wonder Woman

Better look out world Robin and Wonder Woman are going to kick your buns!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Everyone has superheroes in there blogs . . .

So, now its my turn. I will put the best picture of Wolverine up. Oh man, I would have been much better than Hugh Jackman. Sorry Hugh . . . but hugh've got to go . . . ahahahahahaha. I mean you're good and everything, but I just would have been better. If you and I, both as Wolverine got in fight, I would destroy you. You may be a lot bigger than pal but I am scrappy. SCRAPPY!!!!!!! and not like that dumb ass puppy . . . you know who I am talking about. Scooby's nephew. Hey here's a thought if Scooby had a nephew, how come we never see his sister? Anyways, back to my point . . . I rule as wolverine. The first thing I would say to good ol' Hugh is, "You ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?" and he would say, "what?" and then I would say, "No no, you're saying at wrong!!! You have to say it like Michael Keaton said it because he said it perfect," and then I would slap him and he would run home crying! Oh man, it would have been so sweet!!!

Friday, December 02, 2005

Guess who's back in town.

The Team is back, Baby. I am writing again and boy oh boy, does it feel good. I forgot how it feels to be so creative. I am not going to lie to you, it feels really really good . . . it's good even . . . exit stage left. I am going to go to the movies tonight but I am not sure what I am going to see.

All stories and Artwork Copyright Dark Tale Comics 2005.