Thursday, August 17, 2006

Anyone notice the similarities?

I was looking for a generic looking superhero, a template if you will and I found this. It's a superhero for kids to color in. Don't get me wrong, I think that's great, you know, to get kids to color but I think they could have been a little more original in the composition. What do you think?

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

OH NO....

I just realized a little bit of a mistake and it makes me sad...

Read ahead and you will see what I mean:

Back to the Future:

Marty Mcfly: Does it run like on, on regular unleaded gasoline?
Dr. Emmett L. Brown: Unfortunately, no. It requires something with a little more kick . . . plutonium!

Then in Back to the Future Part III:

Dr. Emmet L. Brown: The internal combustion engine runs on gasoline, it always has and there isn't going to be a gas station until sometime in the next century and without gasoline, we can't get the DeLeorean up to 88 miles an hour.

I mean you don't have to say that there was a mistake in the movie...maybe in the first one Doc didn't realize what Marty was asking...or maybe there was just a mistake... :-(

What do you guys think?

Friday, August 04, 2006

Best Batman villain EVER!!!!!!!!!

He was actually an Egyptologist, Professor William Omaha McElroy, but he developed amnesia after suffering a blow the head in a student riot and thereafter believed he was a reincarnation of King Tut. He sought to take over Gotham City and defeat Batman and Robin. He would be defeated by another blow to the head, returning him to his normal state (and would thus be the only villain not to be jailed for his actions).

In his final appearance in series, he bought a plot of land adjacent from Wayne Manor to obtain a rare mineral, and tunneled down under it and accidentally discovered the Batcave. He realized that Batman and Bruce Wayne were the same person, but the Dynamic Duo intervened, battling Tut and his henchmen in the Batcave. Batman and Robin gave pills to the henchmen that would erase that recent memory.
Tut, however, fled up the mine shaft. At the top of the shaft, Tut was about to reveal his discovery to Commissioner Gordon, when Batman provoked Tut to raise his voice and cause a rock to fall on his head. Tut regained consciousness once again as Prof. McElroy, keeping Batman's secret safe.
Tut's hideouts sometimes included an "apothecary", the only one in Gotham, in the "Pyramid" building.
It's like the perfect story to the perfect villain. I think that maybe if we all write a letter to Christopher Nolan we might be able to petition this wonderful idea. I think this character would perfectly fit into the world that Nolan has created for this new Batman franchise. If only he [Nolan] new how much people really enjoyed King Tut then I think we would have something. I mean I can picture what he would do to the character.
He would be so dark and scary...he would make the Scarecrow seem like a gay cowboy and the new Joker seem like a silly little killer on the red eye flight. (Do you see what I did there? I mixed mashed them around)...anyways...that is what I think should that would be so cool.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

How do they do this magic?

It's amazing how they do their magic...a photo of Heath Ledger looking like the joker...I don't know about you guys but I am impressed.