Thursday, June 15, 2006

Greatest Movie EVER!!!!!!!!!

Not only is this the greatest movie ever made but somebody did this work of art. I am not sure who did it, but it ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Scott Howard said, "I am sick of being so average. I mean why do I have to be like everyone else."

Boof, "That's not a problem for you anymore."

Man was she right. In case you missed why, it's because he is a werewolf.

Sometimes, it skips a generation. His father hoped that it would pass him by but as scott later reveals,

"Well dad, it didn't pass me. It landed on my face."

He was right about that...but it also landed on his chest, stomache, back, legs, arms, finger nails, oh man.

Now I am in the mood to watch this movie. IT RULES!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Oh man...

If this is true than I have killed a lot of kittens in my day.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Superman Returns Vs. X-Men 3

Hello all. Here is my prediction...I think that X-Men 3 might actually have a chance of having a bigger opening weekend than Superman Returns will. I believe this because X-Men 3 had the luxury of coming out on a holiday weekend. However, I do feel like Superman Returns will be a far more enjoyable movie. Now, don't get me wrong, I did enjoy X-Men 3 I mean not as much as the first two but it was good. That's the whole thing though, X-Men 3 although good was not great. It definitely had the potential to be great but due to the competition with Superman Returns they rushed it and it shows in some points of the movie (i.e. bad acting, bad writing that could have been fixed, and sometimes even bad special effects).
Now I am neither a Marvel or DC fan. I don't read comics so I am not biased towards one or the other. I do think Brian Singer is a much better director than Brett Ratner and I do think Kevin Spacey is a better actor than all of the actors in X-Men combined. So I guess we will see...less than a month away...this should be fun.