Thursday, July 05, 2007

Reviews Reviews Reviews!!!

I have seen many movies lately, some good, some awful, and some in between. Here are a list of the movies that I have seen and the letter grade that I would give the flick:

Ratatouille: B-/B
1408: B
Away From Her: F
Live Free or Die Hard: B+
Knocked Up: B+


Let me start off by saying that this movie was overly hyped for me. All of the critics seemed to love it! So, when I decided to see this movie, I was extremely excited. Then, when I did see it, I was disappointed. Ratatouille was good, but it wasn't great. It made me laugh, but
not cry (because of laughing to much!) I think I may need to see this movie again. I remember when I saw Monsters Inc, I hated it. I thought it was slow and boring...but I bought it on DVD anyways because, well, that's how I roll. Then, one boring night I threw it in and I enjoyed it a WHOLE lot more than I did in the theater. I feel like the same thing might happen with Ratatouille. I was tired when the movie began that I was falling asleep and nothing exciting was happening. Nothing caught my attention. Nothing made me laugh out loud. I repositioned myself a few times and eventually got into the story and I enjoyed it...I just felt like it was a bit slow (which, if you remember is how I felt about Monsters Inc...) so like I said, this was a good movie but I definitely need to watch again...but I, of course, will wait for DVD because I will not see it again in the theater...what am I CRAZY???


To Be Continued

Away From Her:
This movie sucked! It was boring and stupid...I hated all of the I didn't care what happened to any of them. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!! So boring, I don't recommend this movie at all. NOT AT ALL! I know I am alone on this critique (maybe not all alone) but this movie is critically acclaimed. When I see a movie, I want to be able to like at least one of the characters...but not in this flick. They were all pompous jerks to each other. There was character that I liked, and he had about 3 minutes of screen that doesn't count. Oh and let live I suppose. I must admit that I thought this movie was going to be good. I thought it was going to be emotional. I thought it was going to strike me to the core...but again, the critics have let me down. Damn you, you stupid critics!

Live Free or Die Hard:
To Be continued...

Thursday, May 31, 2007


Thursday, May 24, 2007


I'll never forget the time that I was relaxing in my swamp,
It was a beautiful sunny day and the birds were chirping and I could here the sound of children playing in the distance.
It was a glorious day to be alive.
I always felt safe in my swamp, this is where I was born and this is where I shall stay...don't get me wrong, I've been to other swamps. I would even go so far as to say that I have been to some really nice swamps but none of them were home. They were all missing something, maybe they were missing my favorite log...oh, how I do love to sit on my log in the reminds me of a simpler time. Why, it feels like only yesterday I was just a little tadpole. Heh, my how I've grown. Time moves on and so did the day. The sun went down and the sounds of the children disappeared into the night and was replaced by the sound of mosquitoes and crickets. MMMMM, this started to make me hungry. I do love a good cricket. I don't know what I enjoy more, the taste of the cricket or the chase. You see, crickets are quick and they can hop like there's no tomorrow...but, they are not as quick as me. I have never met a cricket that could out hop me...I'm not saying it can't be a matter of fact, I am looking forward to the cricket that does beat me. I will become friends with that cricket...and if he doesn't have a name, I will call him Buzzy McFuzzy. I will call him that because it rhymes and I love to rhyme, I do it all the time.
I think I got a little off the day turned into night. I made my way up the vegetation and looked for something tasty to eat...because at this point I was starving and I could hear dinner, I just couldn't see it. So I climbed and I climbed. I was looking for a good view of what would be my dinner, then I saw you looking at me, and then I no longer felt safe in my home.

(Frog: Story and Painting by Anthony Previti 5/07)

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Some of you may know...I am super duper frustrated at the office. I have no idea what's going to happen. All I know is that I have a meeting with my supervisor and her supervisor. I have no idea what the next step is, maybe I am going to fired...I guess I will find out in my meeting, which was at 1:30, but it got pushed who knows! Who knows.
Right now, I am frustrated with life. Well, work life. Personal life is fine. I am tired of feeling anxious all of the time at hopefully today will put an end to it, one way or another!

Good luck everybody. I will talk to you all soon. I will keep you all updated and let you know what happens. As of right now, I hate it here...and I just want it all to end.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Batman 3

I just found out that in the third Batman movie, they cast Brandon Routh as Robin. They sent him in for a costume test. Man, this is going to be AWESOME!

Monday, April 23, 2007

The Joker

Read the article at people happy with this?

Monday, April 16, 2007


Here is an article from

I honestly thought that this was a belated April Fool's joke when it arrived in my inbox, but holy shit, Batman...Edward Norton will be starring as the Hulk in the next HULK movie directed by Louis Leterrier, the stylish director of the TRANSPORTER flicks, as well as the underrated UNLEASHED (aka DANNY THE DOG). The film, titled THE INCREDIBLE HULK, will start shooting this summer in Toronto, Canada (we're Canadian, us, help you!) with a release date for June 13, 2008. My favorite Marvel character has always been the HULK, and I guess I'm one of the few people in the world who actually enjoyed Ang Lee's version as well (although I usually stop the DVD right before the final 10 minutes, when Nolte kinda ruins it).
The sequel, which is said to be "less serious and more in line with the comic series and TV show" (Hulk smash!!) seems an odd choice for Norton, but I for one, am all for it! He's one of the best actors of his generation and I hope that his addition to the film helps catapult it to an even greater level. I think we all remember how awesome Norton was as a badass in AMERICAN HISTORY X, right? C'mon Leterrier, make the HULK smash someone's face into a sidewalk with his foot, homage. Sorry folks, just getting a little excited here.

Tony's thoughts.
Ed Norton is a great actor so I am excited. However, I still think that David Duchovny is the best choice...but as we can see, that is not going to happen so I am glad that they got somebody like Ed Norton...who is a great actor. I don't know though, to me, he just doesn't look like a Bruce Banner...but I bet he will be better than Eric Bana...and I am not saying that Eric Bana was bad because I like HULK, I own the DVD...there are a few points where the film falters but overall, I found it overly enjoyable. So I say, BRING IT ON!!!! NORTON SMASH ERIC BANA!
I know I am going to get crap for saying that he doesn't look like Bruce Banner...actually, once I found this picture of him on the Internet I thought, "Actually, you know what? I do buy it." I would want him to look like this picture as Bruce...I don't want him to look like a tough guy like he was in American History X...however, I trust Edward Norton, I would say he is in the top ten actors of his generation...So...I take back what I said. I think Edward Norton is the perfect choice and I think this new Hulk movie is going to be unbelievable! WOO HOO!!!!